- All Nationwide diversities and disabilities are welcome -
Firetalent Talent Management is a London based SPOTLIGHT TAGMIN IMDb registered dual child and adult sole talent management and casting agency
Team Firetalent have over 17 years experience within the industry
We are a proactive talent management agency and believe in transparency. We submit each talent to every single brief that suits them and pitch casting teams directly if a talent is a perfect fit for a breakdown.
Firetalent Talent Management works collaboratively with casting teams and support our talent
#peaceofmind #teamwork #dreamteam
We represent a diverse range of UK talent in TV, film, theatre, musical theatre, music, commercials and stills
Firetalent Talent Management champions discovering and developing emerging talent for casting teams. Visit our TALENT page to discover our wonderful mix of available artists
As well as SPOTLIGHT registered talent, we wholeheartedly encourage talent NOT ON SPOTLIGHT to also APPLY particularly if you are training in drama or screen and love the art. We can't wait to see you on set!
All looks ages 4+ to adult and families are welcome to apply clicking this link while our books are currently open
- All Nationwide diversities and disabilities are welcome -
#discover #diverse #develop #cast #teamfiretalent